Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: ColonyCounterSystem
Bộ đếm khuẩn lạcTất cả những gì bạn cần cho việc đếm khuẩn lạc chính xácMột hệ thống hoàn chỉnh, hiệu quả và chính xác để đếm các khuẩn lạc vi khuẩn hoặc các vi sinh vật khác được nuôi cấy trên đĩa thạch. Cung cấp thiết bị chiếu sáng thích hợp, kính phóng đại và theo dõi các khuẩn lạcBao gồm Bộ..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: Racks-Magnetic_Bead
Giá đỡ tách hạt từ tínhỐng tay áo có thể tháo rời giúp vận chuyển chất lỏng hiệu quảĐối với tất cả các thí nghiệm tách từ tính của bạn, các giá đỡ mạnh mẽ này sẽ cô lập các hạt từ tính để các phối tử ái lực (kháng thể, streptavidin hoặc thuốc thử độc quyền để ghép nối các axit nucleic) hoặc các dung..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F18938-0000
Make precise additions of liquid components to microplate wells by adjusting plates to the most convenient angle. The angular presentation of the plate and clear acrylic platform beneath allows you to easily judge which wells have received liquid addition by comparing the menisci between neighboring..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F37876-0002
Designed to do tedious tasks with a minimum of effort, the 96 open-ended pipette tips of this unique product fit all types of 96 well plates from flat, vee or round bottom plates to 0.2ml thin walled PCR plates and tubes.
• Tip will retain up to 10ml of fluid for placement onto filter paper, plate ..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F40941-0000
For determining carbon dioxide, ammonia or alcohol in blood or serum by diffusion method.
• Smooth, white molded polypropylene with natural, clear polypropylene cover
• Cover has lifting knob; fits the annular moat of the cell to seal off the chamber
• Steam autoclavable at 121ºC (250ºF)..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F44208-1000
This polypropylene jar improves on the classic tapered square design with a larger opening for easier placement and removal of slides. The polypropylene screw cap is 5.3cm in diameter, has a flat top, easy grip knurled edge, deep thread and a seal ring to prevent leaks.
• Five internal slots hold u..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F19900-0002
For all of your magnetic separation experiments, these powerful racks sequester magnetic beads so that affinity ligands (antibodies, streptavidin or proprietary reagents for coupling nucleic acids) or rinse solutions can be added or decanted in assays. They offer exceptional quality and value compar..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F19900-0001
For all of your magnetic separation experiments, these powerful racks sequester magnetic beads so that affinity ligands (antibodies, streptavidin or proprietary reagents for coupling nucleic acids) or rinse solutions can be added or decanted in assays. They offer exceptional quality and value compar..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F19900-0000
For all of your magnetic separation experiments, these powerful racks sequester magnetic beads so that affinity ligands (antibodies, streptavidin or proprietary reagents for coupling nucleic acids) or rinse solutions can be added or decanted in assays. They offer exceptional quality and value compar..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F19900-0003
For all of your magnetic separation experiments, these powerful racks sequester magnetic beads so that affinity ligands (antibodies, streptavidin or proprietary reagents for coupling nucleic acids) or rinse solutions can be added or decanted in assays. They offer exceptional quality and value compar..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F19900-0004
For all of your magnetic separation experiments, these powerful racks sequester magnetic beads so that affinity ligands (antibodies, streptavidin or proprietary reagents for coupling nucleic acids) or rinse solutions can be added or decanted in assays. They offer exceptional quality and value compar..
Thương hiệu: Bel-Art
Model: F46401-0000
Feature rich and budget friendly, this high throughput Mouse Restrainer with Dorsal Access takes care of the basics, so your hands are free for the important tasks. The easy-to-use entry funnel and tube with two gate positions allows quick, gentle and secure immobilization of the mouse.
• Top circ..
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